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Hi, I'm Lady Le Fae. I'm a fashion design student at MASSART, huntress, and multi-disciplinary artist.


I split my time between learning with fellow designers in the city, and staying in tune with Nature at my off-grid homestead-in-progress in northern Maine. 


My designs are inspired by my experiences and communications with the wilderness and the spirits that inhabit our beautiful planet.


I endeavor to only use organic materials that will biodegrade, unlike plastic fur or PVC/faux leather which will add to landfills, polar ice cap melt, and ocean pollution.


The phases of the moon showcase the circle of life, death, and rebirth. MOONFAEZ designs embraces this natural cycle with spellbinding garments, jewelry, and home décor.


Using a combination of modern fashion techniques, ancient hunter-gatherer skills, and a little bit of magic, MOONFAEZ was born.

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